Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Thanks to everyone who helped us with tour last month. We're back now and will be working on another record some time soon, and will probably be quiet apart from that.

Leftovers merch is up at www.jackalshc.bandcamp.com/merch including a new shirt we had printed for the tour.

Monday, 10 August 2015


We're heading back over to Europe at the end of October for just over a week. If you can help us with the spare date on the 26th, email jack.pitt@uea.ac.uk


Tuesday, 7 April 2015

We had some new shirts and patches printed for the gigs we did last week and we got more copies of the 'Violence Is...' 7" and 'No Solution' 12" from Hardware. You can get all of them here- www.jackalshc.bandcamp.com/merch 

The gigs we played were really great, we already knew just how good things are in the UK at the moment as far as DIY spaces and great bands go, but it was good to experience it first hand all week. 

Next up we've got some local gigs, then we'll be recording another record, ideally before the end of the year. We'll also be aiming to do a couple of weekenders in the UK and we'll be heading to Europe for 10 days in October, which I'll be booking soon. If you want to help us with this, you can get in touch with us by emailing jack.pitt@uea.ac.uk  

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

We're doing this in a couple of weeks. Playing with some good bands in some of the best gig spaces in the UK. We still need something on the 1st though or else we'll have a day off somewhere. If you can help, you can contact us by email at jack.pitt@uea.ac.uk

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Couple of photos by Tinne Blommaert from the recent gig we did with Cheap Drugs in Norwich. The show was a benefit for the Green and Black Cross- https://greenandblackcross.org 

We're doing a tour for a week in the UK at the end of March/start of April. Will put up the poster and more details when everything is finalised.