We're now playing two shows before the end of the year, the Cambridge show with Human Junk on the 12th December, and with Napalm Death on the 18th December. It goes without saying how much we are looking forward to that one. It's probably the only chance you'll ever have to see us playing a venue that can hold more than 100 people. We have advance tickets for this as well without booking fees etc. so if you know one of us in person have a word, or alternatively you can email wwhrdzine@hotmail.co.uk.
This will be our first show of 2012. Wes designed the flyer. Ravachol are good friends of ours and both Lich and Bacchus are excellent bands. It's All Ages again thanks to Olives Cafe. We'll be looking at booking a few weekends in the first few months of next year as well as recording again.